Many Realtors use telephones and door-knocking to find new business. We like to personally talk to people who may be selling or buying a home. After all, building a relationship with you and offering good customer service is how we do business. Being personable saves on the constant stream of impersonal and unaddressed flyers, postcards and form letters, not to mention a tree or two.
If you are like me, I dislike getting telephone calls and faxes that try to sell me something I didnt ask for and dont want. It can be intrusive, especially when its at an inconvenient time or its an aggressive sales pitch and a simple No thank you doesnt do the trick.
When I call or knock to see if youre selling your home, am I trying to sell you something you dont want? Lets face it, if youre not selling your home, thats the end of it. If you are considering selling and need the services of a Realtor, then I can offer that service to you. Its something you do want.
A Canadian DO NOT CALL List (DNC) will be implemented in September, 2008. Bell Canada has been awarded a 5 year contract to establish and maintain the list. Once launched, consumers will be able to register their cellular, fax, and landline numbers to reduce the number of telemarketing calls they receive for a 3 year renewable period.
If you receive a telemarketing call after sign-up, a complaint can be submitted to Bell Canada within 2 weeks. Telemarketers will face potential fines up to $1500 per call for individuals, such as Realtors, and $15,000 for companies, such as long distance sellers. Some groups will be exempt from being banned. Calls from political parties, registered charities, pollsters and newspapers will still be permitted.
The only exemptions for Realtors will be if a personal or existing business relationship is in place. An existing business relationship is defined as being formed by a voluntary two-way communication between the consumer and the Realtor. It exists when:
a) the purchase of services or the purchase, lease or rental of products, has occurred within the previous 18 months;
b) An inquiry or application has been made within the previous 6 months; or
c) A written contract has been entered into within the previous 18 months, (or a letter of permission has been signed).
As yet, its unknown how telemarketers will be able to access the list or what subscription fees will be charged. More information may be available at www.bell.ca/donotcall.
This will have a huge impact on Realtors and how they find new customers. Youll likely see more of us at your door or find more admail in your mailbox. I invite your comments.